Lifeguard Equipment - NBC gas masks
NBC gas mask is lifeguard equipment protecting eyes, faces and respiratory systems from toxic agents in emergency situations such as war, fire, etc. They protect eyes, face and respiratory systems from toxic CBR agents generated in times of war, and are wrapped with special aluminum foil, which enables gas masks and cartridges to be stored for a long period of time (10 years). Gas masks are used when a CBRN (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear) warning is issued. Situations where a gas mask should be used include: - During an enemy CBRN attack or aerial dispersal attack, or when a chemical attack is suspected. - When encountering unidentified smoke or fog. - When entering areas known or suspected to be contaminated with chemical agents. - When individuals experience the following physiological symptoms without a clear cause: - Unconscious nasal discharge, or a feeling of blockage or pressure in the chest or throat. - Blurred vision or difficulty focusing. - Eye irritation,